Saturday, January 3, 2015

11 Reasons to Eat Kale

What happens when you have 11 reasons to eat kale? You eat kale. Some yummy dressing recipes are posted below if you'd like to eat it raw. Kale is a powerhouse cruciferous vegetable providing an excellent source of vital nutrients and is that green you hear celebrities raving about and health gurus promoting. Here are just 11 reasons why we love kale and why it is a staple in our house. 

1) Kale contains 9% DV of calcium which is essential to strengthening bones
2) Contains folate, which is very important for brain development
3) 98% DV of vitamin A is obtained through one cup of cooked kale
4) 71% DV of vitamin C is obtained through one cup of cooked kale
5) 1180% DV of vitamin K is obtained through one cup of cooked kale
6) Want healthier skin? Vitamins A, C and K work together to rejuvenate the skin, promote healthy skin cell formation and function and get rid of dark circles under the eyes.
7) Kale is packed with omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which help strengthen hair, repair damaged ends, increase elasticity and promote growth
8) Routine intake of kale helps lower the risk of breast, colon, bladder, prostate and ovarian cancer (sourced from
9) Kale binds the bile acids in the intestine to help pass through a bowel movement rather than absorbing into fat
10) This leafy green plays an important role in the detoxification process because of it's large amount of fibre and sulfur compounds
11) Variety! There are a few different types of kale that you can grow or purchase: curly, ornamental (green, white or purple) and dinosaur (lacinato or tuscan). They all vary in flavor and texture so give them a try to find your favorite.

Here is a dressing recipe that goes great with kale, Mediterranean style from
  • 3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • himalayan salt and cracked black pepper to taste
Another great dressing is one that I like to put on my massaged salad made with curly kale:
  • 3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1 TBS pure grade b maple syrup
  • himalayan salt and cayenne pepper to taste
  • a splash of apple cider vinegar and diced mango if you are feeling adventurous

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Product Review: Guayaki Greener Green Tea

Iced tea even on cold days! Greener green tea is an antioxidant rich Yerba mate green tea blend which contains Yerba mate (leaf), green tea (leaf) and lemongrass (leaf). In South America, Yerba mate has been known for centuries as the "drink of the gods" and is consumed daily for it's rewarding energy, vitality, clarity and well-being. Traditionally, Yerba mate has been used as a catalyst to unleash the powerful effects of other herbs. Green tea is very nourishing and provides a unique trio of stimulants such as: theobromine, caffeine and theophylline. The leaves of the Yerba mate tree also contain 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids and antioxidants. Many people have used green tea as an elimination and weight-loss aid along with a balanced diet.

Greener Green tea contains 1/4 the caffeine that is in a cup of coffee and is a healthier energy source. By purchasing Guayaki Yerba Mate tea you are supporting their mission to sustain and restore the rainforests of South America. Their boxes are also printed with vegetable inks on 100% recycled paper with at least 50% post-consumer waste.

♻️ Reuse and Recycle.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

This year LOVE YOURSELF more!

Maybe you haven't heard yet, but it's New Years Day! People can, you know, make many goals for themselves but how many people actually stick with them? You might decide that health will be one of your primary focuses this year, so what are you going to do about it? I could tell you to go vegan, organic, raw, and natural. I could also tell you to pray, meditate, get proper rest and rid your life of toxins but I won't. Sooner or later, you'll figure it all out on your own and you will have a deeper understanding of your life. You will have many temptations that you will have to try to resist. Maybe certain events will become a thing of the past and making dinner for your partner may be challenging at first but ultimately it's your success story. Tell yourself today that you have the ability to change your life. After all, you make the decisions. Each year that passes we get one year older. Some people have been healed of diseases that many thought were incurable and others have been able to rejuvenate their mind, body and soul. If you change your mind you can change your life. I'm wondering if you'll love yourself a little bit more this year.